A decorative emblem featuring the Massive logo surrounded by text reading 'Massive Science Consortium'.

The Massive Science Consortium is the community for advancing science communication.

Join the Consortium

Consortium Membership

All members have the option to participate in our training program, which helps members become confident finding and pitching stories about complex science, writing about it in accessible language, and integrating edits to your work. The process involves several steps, including storytelling and writing exercises emailed weekly that include participation in the forum.

After training, you should aim to be certified. This consists of proposing, writing, editing, and publishing your first two articles with us. Once youโ€™ve published your first two articles, you are certified, and all subsequent articles you pitch, we accept, and we publish are paid according to our payment scale. You are welcome to skip straight to pitching, but we've found that members who complete the exercises are better prepared to meet our standards. Typically the first article you pitch is a paper translation article, and the second is a more complex op-ed or narrative-style article.

If you want to be certified with Massive, you will need to get two pitches accepted to be published. This can be hard, but most people manage to do it in 8-12 weeks. Remember, after we accept a pitch, you go through a collaborative, transparent edit process with our editorial team to whip your pitch into an accessible article. Certification denotes that you have successfully mastered story pitching and writing a science narrative to the extent that you are published on MassiveSci.com, a publication with exacting editorial standards.

Certified consortium members can apply to work on Massive Science Reports, in-depth, collaborative investigations that answer contentious consumer questions from a scientific perspective. We release one report each month but will be announcing, and recruiting for, future reports in advance. Members with expertise in a chosen topic area who commit to a report are obligated to stick to a strict production schedule, and they are paid for their research, analysis, and writing work.

Member Benefits

  • Practical, online, interactive training in the Massive Method of telling science stories
  • Certificate in narrative science storytelling training upon the completion of your first 2 stories, as defined in our editorial process documentation
  • Access to our members-only discussion forum
  • Access to our members-only pitch forums to hone and shape story ideas for consideration on MassiveSci.com and other partner publications
  • Access to our members-only scicomm, media and career resources library
  • Access to audience feedback metrics on MassiveSci.com articles
  • Invitations to members-only meet-ups, newsletters, office hours and Q&As with expert guests
  • Opportunities to participate in exclusive scicomm and science media opportunities
  • Request resume review, recommendations, and other career-oriented feedback from Massive staff and community

Last updated April 4, 2018