

Featuring 8 articles by 8 scientists

Dogs excel at sniffing out human illness

Now researchers are trying to build a machine version of the perfect dog nose

Christa Trexler


UC San Diego

How dogs are helping us understand human allergies

If your dog has allergies, chances are you do too. Thanks, microbes

Josh Peters

Biological Engineering

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Should you let your dog lick your face?

Dogs stick their noses in everything, but many people believe their saliva is beneficial

Jennifer Tsang


Ancient dog DNA reveals how humans first settled New Zealand

Dogs have been road-tripping with us for at least 10,000 years

Patty Hamrick


New York University

What can ancient dog poop reveal about an ecosystem?

The poo fossils of a long-extinct species are teaching scientists about nature's past โ€“ and possible future

Allison Fritts-Penniman

Ecology and Evolutionary Biology

California Academy of Sciences

How inbred dogs help us learn about human diseases

Dogs are helping scientists figure out why our copper storage systems can go haywire

Brianna Bibel


Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory

Do dogs really, truly understand what we tell them?

Scientists trained some pups to endure MRIs to help find out

Lauren Mackenzie Reynolds


McGill University

Like dogs? They're genetically modified organisms (from a certain point of view)

Humanity's best friend, like crops and livestock, are the product of centuries of manipulation

Jackie Grimm

Molecular Biology

Princeton University

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