
Psychedelic Renaissance

There is increasing scientific evidence that psychedelic substances, currently illegal, have therapeutic effects.

Featuring 8 articles by 5 scientists

Massive Science Report โ„– 2

Opening Our Minds

Join five scientists as they explain the research behind new psychedelic treatments for mental illnesses

What is a hallucinogen?

What these mind-altering drugs do in our brains

Benjamin Bell


Johns Hopkins University

Are hallucinations a disease?

They may be a symptom, but they are not necessarily harmful

Yewande Pearse


LA Biomed

A brief history of psychedelic research

A ban long stymied what started as a promising field

Lauren Mackenzie Reynolds


McGill University

Are psychedelics actually as dangerous as their Schedule I status suggests?

They're tightly regulated, but research shows they're probably not harmful

Prabarna Ganguly


Northeastern University

A neuroscientist reviews Michael Pollan's 'How to Change Your Mind'

The book shines new light on the revitalized field of psychedelic medicine

Benjamin Bell


Johns Hopkins University

The psychedelic renaissance is here. Will it last this time?

To avoid the mistakes of the past, scientists and society need to open their minds

Benjamin Bell


Johns Hopkins University

Can MDMA help people with autism overcome social anxiety?

An expert lays out a cautiously optimistic case for using the psychedelic in therapy

Benjamin Bell


Johns Hopkins University

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MDMA can help fight PTSDโ€”if scientists are allowed to use it

How psychedelics could remain illegal, even if research shows they help heal

Shannon Stewart

Cell Biology

Massachusetts Institute of Technology